Have you ever been to a website that you liked so much that you wanted to bookmark page so that you could return to it again in the future? Whenever you choose to bookmark this page, you are choosing to save it in your favorites so that you will be able to simply select it from your bookmarks in Chrome and return to it sometime in the future. In this way, whenever you bookmark page, you are basically doing the same thing that you would be doing whenever you choose to use bookmarks for books.
Many people who are actually new to using the Internet actually do not know how to make bookmarks within their web browser so that they can go back to their favorite websites whenever they’d like to be able to do so. This is actually rather unfortunate whenever you consider just how easy this is to do and just how much easier and more enjoyable it will make your web browsing experience. For these folks, here is what you need to know about how to bookmark a page:
1. You will first need to find a web page that you would like to bookmark page of.
2. While you are on this web page you will want to open up what is called your bookmarks menu. Sometimes this may be called your favorites menu instead.
3. Now click on either add bookmark or add to favorites to bookmark page. This simply depends upon which browser you happen to be using to surf the web with.
That’s all there is to it. Once you have saved your web page you simply open the bookmarks or favorites menu and choose the web page you want to go to by clicking on it. Of course, you can also create folders for the different categories of bookmarks that you’re creating so that they’ll be easier to locate whenever you need them. Then you can place your favorites within these folders. You can also choose to rename or delete these folders, along with your favorites, at any time.